

So my home boy's ex girlfriend is getting married and he was invited to the wedding meeting and subsequently to the wedding. Well he is now confused and in the state of 'if' where he second guesses his past decision which is normal considering that they shared a part of their lives. With exes comes alot of emotions- resentment, anger, hate, regret and if you had a sexual relationship that means you connected on a spiritual level and when the spirit is broken its not quick to heal like the heart(damn am so proud of that statement it sounds so legit ha ha okay on with it..). So he is deciding on whether to not go or i gave the cryptic answer i always give with these issues..listen to your heart.
Well this got me thinking about why girls most especially invite exes to their personally i would invite you to stick it to you especially if you messed me up. Now some girls are really nice and harbour no hard feelings but you never know a persons heart and its my belief always that something's gotta give, its the 21st century but lynching and cruel murder still exist but in a newer downsized(as to go with the minimalist but impacting trend)form called meanness also known as emotional abuse that will drive you to depression and subsequent suicide.
Well I as Milan he hehe hehe....should i write this...oh hell yes i might as well write it coz I speak it .
I would not invite my ex to my wedding meetings, forgive me but to me wedding meetings and this haramabe concept makes you look poor and desperate. The fact that now telecom companies provide sms alert for meetings makes it worse. If am to invite you to a wedding meeting it would be the one i plan to have just to allocate tasks and stuff. If he contributes a penny to your wedding its like he still has a role to play in your life...and am sure as hell not having that!
I would only invite you to my wedding to cement your insecurities...if your short and my guy is tall you will get an invite, if he is well endowed and your not your getting an invite, if he has money and you don't your number one on the guest list...and the last criteria am getting married and your single..come view your pathetic life while i bask in the glory of my new life.
Some may view this as mean but its the only reason i would invite an ex whom am not friends with to my wedding otherwise leave the bugger alone to his life and move on with yours why start a new chapter of your life with him/her there.