Hi guys...been a while i know...blame it on graduation season. I have been having a swell time attending grads including mine which was well put in a local daily(to my shock and it did evoke prayers to the tune of God may the ground open n swallow up but not to end in hell maybe somewhere cool n chill in the earth is crust till this blows over).As an attendee of the grads and having qualified with a development economics degree put ma knowledge to work...i developed myself-lose dresses with food allowance space so as to consume as much food and drink as possible...i economized-i bought a dozen of(well some graduands maybe reading this so i won't say) but if u read this and find u have the same something as someone and you got it as a grad gift well....to quote shaggy "It wasn't me." Hehehehe now onto the Title topic why am i dramatically calling Lawd Lord,Okay perversion aside people.
Ever had those moments in life where you feel you are on auto pilot like you are going through the motions of things and not actually 'living'. Well i realized this when i posted events of my very personal life on Facebook without thinking and actually without feeling anything about it. It was only after looking at the event in retrospect that i was like W.T.F. I love routine it makes life a whole lot easier that routine but not when the routine manages you instead of you managing it. So why am i yelling Lawd , well i need a change...i need to stop this addiction to social media-except my blog of course that is so therapeutic-my parents are lucky coz they have a kid bright enough to blog instead of going to the coo koo fixer for obscene amounts(Lawd-why charge alot just to be a silent gossip, heck guys u can pour out to me for free but there is no client-listener privileged and no material is unworthy of a good rumor mill). I no longer dream of tea with Conddy Rice or being a fortune 500 magazine or even watch Tv(my first love/addiction) all i dream about is trending topics, status updates, pokes and inboxes. I quit the online chat but can't seem to find the inner strength to quit/lessen social media addiction hence the yell..yes its a yell.....LAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWDDDDDDDD......LOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRDDDDD Jesus take the
indeed lawd have mercy ..love the profile burst colour :-)
ReplyDeleteThanx fancyface...the colour lifts me up hehehe
ReplyDeleteu shud call more than looorrrddd laawwwddd, especially after posting about ur boyfrend n u being his clanmate !LOL! on a plus, we smile n mourn wit u thru it all, PUBLICLY! if u keep it up n be famous, u cud actualy hv public holidays created from ur updates!
Heheheheheh good to know....don't know about the fame though that would be an overdose
ReplyDeleteSocial networks aren't half bad...as long as you don't bare all.