

So i was talking to this boy pal of mine and i was like don't boys have a code like girls do about relationships. Its common knowledge to girls that you never ever date your friends ex and you never let any man come between you two and so i was wondering if boys had the same code too. He told me that p***y is p***y and that you don't c**k block your homeboys unless the boy truly likes the girl and sees her as wifey material in essence any guy friends girl is up for grabs from the word hi when she is introduced to the buddies. Then it dawned on me why so many of my galfriends have been hit on by the ex's friends and they feel its disgusting whilst the boys think its are indeed from mars and women from venus!


Okay so am preparing for exams next week but all i seem to do is sleep and watch t.v and when i sleep i don't get re-energized oh no i just feel more tire less sleepy and huge headaches. Am only 22 why is ma sleep pattern like this i can't say i have ever eaten healthy so unhealthy eating can't really affect me. O h well maybe its just that i can't wait to be done with school and move onto the next thing. Its just purely frustrating when you wake up wanting your day to go a certain way and it instead goes its own way now i know how my mother feels having raised three kids who turned out as they liked Lol



So i broke up with my boyfriend but we still remain friends but he doesn't miss a chance to tell me that i was wrong to dump him. Sometimes i wonder if he is right then again maybe its my desperacy to be with someone because i know for a fact i wasn't happy in the latter parts of our relationships. Why is there pressure to date, have a partner and to marry??????? I don't get it maybe i never will because this is a question asked before me and will probably be asked after me. Anyway am gonna take a deep breath and move on...find me a new man, a new adventure and a new story...can't blog about the same thing everyday can i now?